Friday 22 March 2013

HQ Modelling Idea #1

"Victory is ours! The ground is littered with their dead!" - Mael Radec

I sincerely hope I can find some how represent this character on the Table Top. Mael Radec fits 40k so well it's insane. The only problem I have at this point is a) finding rules that fit this lore and b) a model that won't take to much conversion work to represent him. Either of these two models would be a good base:

However, I'll probably have to "retro" fit legs from the Dream Forge minis to try and keep the scale even. Otherwise I might put him on a raised base so that he's roughly at the same height of the other models. The last alternative is to just keep the same size, give him a sort of short man syndrome.

I'll leave you with this OST:

Thursday 21 March 2013

Why Dream Forge?

So in my first post I linked several other models and conversions others had done with the goal of creating a Helghast inspired Imperial Guard list. I had mentioned that the models others had used aren't what I considered of quality.

To be fair the Shock Troops  are quite cheap and fit the Helghast aesthetic better then the new Dream Forge models. The alternative would be Games Workshops own Kasrkin squads. They would have to be converted and would allow me to play in GW stores. However, I live in Australia and as much as I've enjoyed 40k as a whole, many people have lost faith and interest in Games Workshop as a company mostly due to the prices of their models. My games group use many 3rd party models and some have even recast bit and bought fakes for a 3rd of the price of the originals. Further more, Kasrkin squads are near impossible to buy through 3rd parties or eBay as the model itself isn't really worth fielding. As a result if I choose to run my list with these models I'd be paying $69 AUD per squad and I'd then have to convert up and fix METAL models.

With that background in place then I'd like to show you guys how well Dream Forge minis fit the scale we all play in.

Also these models fit current GW bits every well too;
Simply put the models are stunning, plastic and are aesthetically enough like the Helghast so I don't have to do much conversion work. The price point is also very fair and I shall be investing quite a bit in these in the near future. 

The Army...list

The IG list is a dead even 400 points designed around one single blob. This list will fit within my Dark Angles force and will be lead by non other then Azrael to make use of the 4++ save.

Primaris Psyker

Platoon Command Squad
Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)

Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)
Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)
Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)
Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)

Now from a fluff point of view I'd love to field a Commissar instead of the Psyker but there is not benefit (rules wise) for me to do so. Hence I'm toying with the idea of making a Helghan psyker through Helghan technology. In essence turning and attaching machinery to the commander to showcase his "psychic" powers. Then again could you imagine this Commissar ordering his men?

Other models and additions will be looked at for each army as I'm seriously considering adding an IG contingent to my Chaos forces. My brother who's a SOB / Grey Knight player has been looking into IG to scale up his SOB force without making the faith system completely useless. He's been looking into fielding something similar to the above but with Vets/Chimeras and Vendettas.

The project begins!


I've been playing 40k since the end of 4th ed right around when 5th ed was all new and shiny. With the release of 6th I've expanded my current armies quite a lot most due to the new allies rules.

I have 2k Points of CSM, 1.5k Points of DA and just over 2k points of Dark Eldar. I have several small collections too which form a part of my allies these are all roughly around the 500 points mark. The forces are Orcs, Eldar and Grey Knights.

I've decided that I shall start a blog about my latest 40k Project. I've always been a fan of the Helghast (from Killzone) yet I've always felt that most models out there (both ones by GW and ones found on the wargames factory store) simply did not meet my expectations. Others out there have done a very good job in the past using what was available:

Now that Dream Forge exists however I believe I can finally get started on this project and create my own version of what you see above.

So by the end of the project I envision this blog to contain; Why these models? What's my army list and how does it fit with my existing main forces and a WIP update on the purchase assembly and paint. Since I'm working through this project with my brother updates will largely depend on both of our schedules