Thursday 21 March 2013

Why Dream Forge?

So in my first post I linked several other models and conversions others had done with the goal of creating a Helghast inspired Imperial Guard list. I had mentioned that the models others had used aren't what I considered of quality.

To be fair the Shock Troops  are quite cheap and fit the Helghast aesthetic better then the new Dream Forge models. The alternative would be Games Workshops own Kasrkin squads. They would have to be converted and would allow me to play in GW stores. However, I live in Australia and as much as I've enjoyed 40k as a whole, many people have lost faith and interest in Games Workshop as a company mostly due to the prices of their models. My games group use many 3rd party models and some have even recast bit and bought fakes for a 3rd of the price of the originals. Further more, Kasrkin squads are near impossible to buy through 3rd parties or eBay as the model itself isn't really worth fielding. As a result if I choose to run my list with these models I'd be paying $69 AUD per squad and I'd then have to convert up and fix METAL models.

With that background in place then I'd like to show you guys how well Dream Forge minis fit the scale we all play in.

Also these models fit current GW bits every well too;
Simply put the models are stunning, plastic and are aesthetically enough like the Helghast so I don't have to do much conversion work. The price point is also very fair and I shall be investing quite a bit in these in the near future. 

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