Friday 22 March 2013

HQ Modelling Idea #1

"Victory is ours! The ground is littered with their dead!" - Mael Radec

I sincerely hope I can find some how represent this character on the Table Top. Mael Radec fits 40k so well it's insane. The only problem I have at this point is a) finding rules that fit this lore and b) a model that won't take to much conversion work to represent him. Either of these two models would be a good base:

However, I'll probably have to "retro" fit legs from the Dream Forge minis to try and keep the scale even. Otherwise I might put him on a raised base so that he's roughly at the same height of the other models. The last alternative is to just keep the same size, give him a sort of short man syndrome.

I'll leave you with this OST:

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