Thursday 21 March 2013

The Army...list

The IG list is a dead even 400 points designed around one single blob. This list will fit within my Dark Angles force and will be lead by non other then Azrael to make use of the 4++ save.

Primaris Psyker

Platoon Command Squad
Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)

Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)
Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)
Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)
Infantry Squad, Power Weapon (Axe)

Now from a fluff point of view I'd love to field a Commissar instead of the Psyker but there is not benefit (rules wise) for me to do so. Hence I'm toying with the idea of making a Helghan psyker through Helghan technology. In essence turning and attaching machinery to the commander to showcase his "psychic" powers. Then again could you imagine this Commissar ordering his men?

Other models and additions will be looked at for each army as I'm seriously considering adding an IG contingent to my Chaos forces. My brother who's a SOB / Grey Knight player has been looking into IG to scale up his SOB force without making the faith system completely useless. He's been looking into fielding something similar to the above but with Vets/Chimeras and Vendettas.

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